Good Leaders Ask Great Questions by John C. Maxwell
When you dive into a John C. Maxwell publication rest assured you will receive tremendous value above and beyond what you initially expect. This work is incredibly comprehensive and is another map and manual for leaders through the premise of asking not just ok but GREAT questions. Not only does Maxwell ask a plethora of questions related to leadership he also sources questions directed to him from leaders around the world. He then proceeds to answer all of these questions using his profound experience and knowledge + a host of quotes from experts in numerous field to expound on the points in his answers. He answers 70+ questions in this style, providing incredible insights and details into the subject, challenges, and ideals of leadership.
I began my leadership journey as an athlete in high school sports. Leading at this level was not so much about my development of a vision and vocal leadership as much as it was about "leading by example!" Without a track record, leading by example is one way to start. I began my professional leadership journey at the age of 23 becoming a national team head football coach, the youngest ever in history. I made many mistakes during this experience but I have since reflected and grown immensely since that valuable experience. A few key points I learned from Good Leaders Ask Great Questions, is that leadership is a never ending journey; there is always so much to continue learning as we take action. Also, we have to take time to reflect and ask ourselves questions as leaders. These questions are often just, if not more important than the questions we ask of others. We have to lead ourselves successfully and continue to grow ourselves to have a chance at leading and growing others with success. John C. Maxwell delves deep into his early experiences in leadership and the mistakes he made along the way. He ask questions and provides answers on what he could have done better. I take this transparency to heart and identify with the struggles of his early experiences. He explores and cheerfully teaches answers to great questions from situations and challenges to failures and renewal. The questions explored challenge us to grow as a leader from resolving conflict, to navigating leadership transitions, to getting started in leadership. This book is a valuable foundational resource for the current or aspiring leader in any organization at any current position. You current title is not of importance as much as building and growing your influence is a prerequisite serving as an effective leader. One of my favorite takeaway quotes (of many!) from this read:
"People who make growth their goal - instead of a title, position, salary, or other external target - always have a future. "
You can purchase a copy of John C. Maxwell's Good Leaders Ask Great Questions. HERE
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